AGM May 2024

AGM May 2024

The CDHNS Annual General Meeting for the fiscal year ending Oct 31, 2023, was held virtually on Saturday, May 11, 2024, from 9:00 am – 10:45 am. Thank you to the 294 CDHNS registrants who attended.

CDHNS Registrants are reminded that they must complete a reflection document to obtain the 0.5 hours of credit in Category 1 for Ryan Baxter's presentation, since there was no post-test for this content.

Attendance at the AGM itself was monitored by verifying that you voted throughout the AGM. An attendance certificate will be issued once your voting is verified. The attendance certifcate is sufficient to obtain the 1.25 hours in Category 3 for the AGM itself.

Program at a Glance

AGM Meeting Details

May 11, 2024 - 9:00 am start