National Oral Health Month

National Oral Health Month

National Dental Hygienists Week™ (NDHW™) took place on April 4‒10, 2024, as part of Oral Health Month in Canada. This week emphasized, “Oral Health for Total Health”.

This year, Nova Scotia's registered dental hygienists (RDHs) implemented initiatives for National Oral Health Month and National Dental Hygienists Week™ (NDHW™) activities in-person or virtually.

Over the past four years, dental hygienists have found new, creative ways to deliver oral health initiatives to Nova Scotians. An example of this is, instead of in-person presentations, dental hygienists have been using virtual platforms to speak to groups on oral health. During National Oral Health Month, Nova Scotia's dental hygienists used their social media platforms to spread the message of ‘Oral Health for Total Health’. 

 CDHNS is commited to reach all Nova Scotians to get out the messages that:

(1) oral health is important to overall health, and

(2) dental hygienists are an integral partner in helping Nova Scotians achieve oral health. 

Educational Brochures

The CDHNS partnered with Leslie Kenwell, RDH, in creating two educational brochures. These brochures are a useful tools to help educate clients. The CDHNS has a limited number of printed copies available for dental hygienists. If you are interested in obtaining some brochures to distribute to clients in your practice setting, please submit your request to the CDHNS, via email, to Kelly Hurlburt @

Oral Health for Your Infant brochure:

An electronic version of this brochure is available here








Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) brochure:

You can access an electronic version of this brochure by following these links - EN and FR



Other Initiatives


In 2024, Nova Scotia dental hygienists once again, shared a commercial developed by the CDHNS in 2021. This highlighted dental hygiene practice from a regulatory standpoint. The focus was on ensuring the public receives safe, ethical, and compassionate oral health care from Nova Scotia registered dental hygienists. It was broadcast on CTV channels across the province during the week of April 19-25, 2021.

The commercial is also embedded at the top of this page. You may access it directly via YouTube as well.

We are encouraging all RDHs to disseminate this commercial in 2024 through their social media, once again.